
Showing posts from December, 2022

Chilling plant: How does the plant benefit the dairy industry

  In this dairy industry-centric blog, we are going to highlight the significance of chilling plant for the dairy industry and how does latest technology help chilling plant manufacturers .    Before we take a deep dive into the subject, let’s understand the sophisticated machine in simple language so that readers can relate to the blog better.    Understanding chilling plant        As indicated by the name of the machine, it is specially designed for chilling the milk collected from various sources at a dairy plant. Why? Chilling of raw milk at a low temperature is a must as it controls the growth of microorganisms present in the milk. According to industry experts, the temperature of the milk should be between 3 – 4 degree Celsius. In the absence of chilling, milk will witness the rampant growth of microorganisms, leading to spoilage of milk.              D...

Solar Cold Storage: The Solution for Rural India

  In this business-centric blog, we are going to highlight the importance of  solar cold storage  for rural India which is facing either power outages or yet-to-receive power transmission lines.  Before we move forward, it makes sense to learn the reason behind the invention of the fabulous machine.  Why solar cold storage?               We are sure many of you have heard about this famous quote "Necessity is the mother of all invention".  Due to a combination of factors, Indian farmers have been struggling to find ways to reduce the wastage of their produce.  You would be shocked to learn about a nightmarish statistic, according to credible research by FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization), the food loss in South Asia and South East Asia is approximately 40%. There are plenty of reasons, lack of cold storage facility is one of the major reasons.     This data c...

Solar Cold Storage: The Solution for Rural India

  In this business-centric blog, we are going to highlight the importance of  solar cold storage  for rural India which is facing either power outages or yet-to-receive power transmission lines.  Before we move forward, it makes sense to learn the reason behind the invention of the fabulous machine.  Why solar cold storage?               We are sure many of you have heard about this famous quote "Necessity is the mother of all invention".  Due to a combination of factors, Indian farmers have been struggling to find ways to reduce the wastage of their produce.  You would be shocked to learn about a nightmarish statistic, according to credible research by FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization), the food loss in South Asia and South East Asia is approximately 40%. There are plenty of reasons, lack of cold storage facility is one of the major reasons.     This data c...