
How To Choose The Best Ageing Vat Machine?

  Market is flooded with numerous ageing vat machine manufacturer offering a wide range of machines to suit the requirement of your ice cream factory. With the advent of innovative technology, cold storage manufacturers are empowered to roll out machines offering excellent benefits to ice cream factory owners across India.  How to choose the best machine assumes significance when you want to deliver quality ice creams to end users? And it can’t be imagined without a quality product. Now an important question arises how to choose the best machine? This blog will help you get the best possible parameters to be considered when choosing the machine.  Before we take a deep dive into the subject, it makes sense to learn about the importance of this product in the world of ice cream.  What is an ageing vat machine?                         ...

A quality-driven ice candy production machine multiplies the profit

  What is ice candy?     Before we take a deep dive into the subject, let’s learn a bit about your favourite cold dessert, ice candy. Ice candy is basically a type of frozen refreshment produced to beat the heat of summer. The mouthwatering ice cream is produced by using  an ice candy production machine.  Let’s now shift our focus to the main subject,  the  ice cream candy production machine .  Delicious Candies       The sophisticated machine is ideal for producing a wide range of candies, especially fruit candies to beat the heat of summer. Candies are essentially identified with the fruit flavor used for producing the candies. For example, mango and orange candies. Even watermelon candies are also there.       Cold rooms and ice candies  In an ice cream factory, wherein candies are produced in bulk for further distribution across the city, cold rooms and PUF panels  play...

Chilling plant: How does the plant benefit the dairy industry

  In this dairy industry-centric blog, we are going to highlight the significance of chilling plant for the dairy industry and how does latest technology help chilling plant manufacturers .    Before we take a deep dive into the subject, let’s understand the sophisticated machine in simple language so that readers can relate to the blog better.    Understanding chilling plant        As indicated by the name of the machine, it is specially designed for chilling the milk collected from various sources at a dairy plant. Why? Chilling of raw milk at a low temperature is a must as it controls the growth of microorganisms present in the milk. According to industry experts, the temperature of the milk should be between 3 – 4 degree Celsius. In the absence of chilling, milk will witness the rampant growth of microorganisms, leading to spoilage of milk.              D...

Solar Cold Storage: The Solution for Rural India

  In this business-centric blog, we are going to highlight the importance of  solar cold storage  for rural India which is facing either power outages or yet-to-receive power transmission lines.  Before we move forward, it makes sense to learn the reason behind the invention of the fabulous machine.  Why solar cold storage?               We are sure many of you have heard about this famous quote "Necessity is the mother of all invention".  Due to a combination of factors, Indian farmers have been struggling to find ways to reduce the wastage of their produce.  You would be shocked to learn about a nightmarish statistic, according to credible research by FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization), the food loss in South Asia and South East Asia is approximately 40%. There are plenty of reasons, lack of cold storage facility is one of the major reasons.     This data c...

Solar Cold Storage: The Solution for Rural India

  In this business-centric blog, we are going to highlight the importance of  solar cold storage  for rural India which is facing either power outages or yet-to-receive power transmission lines.  Before we move forward, it makes sense to learn the reason behind the invention of the fabulous machine.  Why solar cold storage?               We are sure many of you have heard about this famous quote "Necessity is the mother of all invention".  Due to a combination of factors, Indian farmers have been struggling to find ways to reduce the wastage of their produce.  You would be shocked to learn about a nightmarish statistic, according to credible research by FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization), the food loss in South Asia and South East Asia is approximately 40%. There are plenty of reasons, lack of cold storage facility is one of the major reasons.     This data c...

Never choose an inferior Cold Room for your Company

  A  cold storage room  is a technology-driven storage space which is designed to maintain an artificial temperature. Using technology, the machine stores products safely and provide a protective cover of low temperature that saves items from getting spoiled and at the same time, increases the shelf life of products, like vegetables, fruits, bakery items, dairy products, mutton, chicken, etc. It has found usage in many industries, including dairy, food processing, bakery, hotels, horticulture, pharmaceuticals, etc.   

3 Major Tips For Successfully Transporting Frozen Foods

  In this business-centric blog, we are going to highlight the importance of reefer trucks for successfully transporting frozen foods, and how do  reefer truck manufacturers  getting benefitted from the technological development taking place in cold room technology.  Transporting perishable foods, especially the frozen variety of food requires a separate set of environments, and it can be made possible by using the latest technology. As a result, reefer trucks manufactured by  transport refrigeration manufacturer s  are getting prominence.   Unless an artificial environment is created perishable foods wouldn't be stored for long, as a result, spoilage will take place. Unfortunate consequences will result in loss of food as well as money. Over the years, refrigeration technology has witnessed immense development, helping cold room manufacturers to manufacture efficient transport refrigeration.  Benefits    Here are the benefits ...